Sunday, 17 November 2013

Rise and Shine

For the art of being odd brief I've decided to focus on how I always wake up early...even when I try and have a lay in! I'm always most awake first thing in the morning and it's definately when I'm most productive. So when deadlines are looming I much rather wake up at the crack of dawn rather than work late into the night!

Thursday, 14 November 2013

The Art of Being Odd

For professional practice we have been asked to think of ourselves as a brand, we've been set a brief to explore the oddities of our personality, I've got to think about what makes me different to the person sat next to me? The best way to start think project is by producing a list of any quirks I have:

  • Peanut Butter is one of my greatest loves
  • Make mine milk - another food related one, but I love milk! My mum always says she needs a cow at the bottom of the garden...strong bones though ey!
  • Not much of a quirk but I am a constant worrier, I get stressed over the littlest things, bit of a nervous wreck, symptoms inc. the shaky knees syndrome
  • I hate shopping - Christmas shopping is a form of torture
  • The more I think the more pencils/pens/hair/anything in reach is chewed
  • I walk on my toes
  • I find people dressed as animals unnerving - the foxy bingo man-fox is enough to give me nightmares* 
  • I often prefer the company of animals to people
  • Bad telly is my downfall, I'm sucked into the watching the worse kind of TV, recently I'm going through a 'dinner date' phase.
  • If it's dark my eyes are closed, I'm 21 and still scared of what I might see...
  • I'm a morning person... I wake up early even when trying to lay in!

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Interactive Type Specimens

I'm trying to think to alternatives to doing a editorial type specimen in the form of a book. These are a few examples of inspiration to make me think more broadly and consider interactive or digital ways of presenting type:


Type specimen presented on an iPad This website is very clever!